The museum is open to the public on the following days in 2024 between 10am and 4pm.
For more information on general opening, please see our contact page.
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Sunday 14th April
Sunday 12th May
Sunday 9th June *GALA DAY* (see below)
Sunday 14th July
Sunday 11th August
Sunday 8th September
Sunday 13th October
Saturday 9th November - Memorial Day and Service (see below)
Gala Open Day
Sunday 9th June 2024 - 10am until 4pm
Fun for all the family!
This year we will also be having a falconry display plus the 1940's Family and Friends Remembered Wedding Display, and an impressive line up of classic cars and military vehicles.
There will also be wide selection of stalls and memorabilia.
The exhibitions will open as usual, plus plenty of refreshments.
We are privileged to once again welcome
The City of Norwich Pipe Band to parade at our Gala Day.
Always popular, they will march in their splendid uniforms of the Prince Charles Edward Stuart tartan to the pipes and drums they are famous for.
Remembrance Service
Memorial Day
Saturday 9th November 2024 - 10am until 1pm
This is our annual Remembrance Service and all are welcome. There will be a gathering of veterans from the armed forces, as well as current USAF Service Personnel.
The gates will open at 10am and the ceremony will take place beside the flag pole, beginning at 11am.
Standard bearers will mark the start of the service followed by a short reading. The exhortation, the the last post and reveille will precede the laying of wreaths
accompanied by a lone piper playing a lament. The Kohima and the march of the standard bearers will mark the end of the service.
Refreshments will be available afterwards and the museum will remain open until 1pm.
Please ensure that you arrive within good time to park your vehicle before the start time so as not to disturb the proceedings.